Thought to Ponder: Building Trust!

Thought to Ponder: Building Trust!
“Say the right thing at the right time!”
Pr 15:23 NLT
According to ground-breaking neurological research, you can “train” yourself to speak and listen in a way that stimulates sympathy and trust in the brain of the person you’re talking to. Think how valuable that is in communication! Here are some proven principles to help you do it: (1) Breathe deeply and stretch before speaking. When you’re handling a stressful situation, remaining calm is essential. Stress generates uptightness, uptightness leads to anger, and anger shuts down your ability to get your point across. So take a few moments to breathe deeply, while counting slowly to five. It’s also been established that things like stretching your neck muscles and yawning, change your brain in ways that measurably improve your communication skills. We are “wonderfully made” (Ps 139:14). (2) Think encouraging thoughts. “As he thinks in his heart, so is he” (Pr 23:7 NKJV). Any negative thought you harbor can interfere with the parts of your brain used in language processing, listening, and speech, which can lead to defensiveness and distrust. Neurological studies found that thinking positive thoughts about the other person, or yourself, or the topic at hand, can help you to achieve success in your personal and business relationships. (3) Seal it with a smile. Your face reveals your feelings. “Jacob noticed that Laban’s attitude toward him was not what it had been” (Ge 31:2 NIV). Research shows that pleasing memories and thoughts of people you love create facial expressions that convey kindness, compassion, and interest, stimulating trust and openness in others. (bob gass)

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