Morning Line: Time Out!

Morning Line: Time Out!

1 Samuel 9:27 (NRSVCE) “…. stop here yourself for a while, that I may make known to you the word of God.”

‘Here’s an ancient Scripture with a modern message: ‘As they were going down to…the city, Samuel said to Saul…‘stand thou still a while, that I may show thee the word of God.’’                                                               Today we are told that in order to succeed we must hit the floor running at a hundred miles an hour, and keep it up until we collapse. And what’s the downside to all this? Our walk with the Lord slows to a crawl, or stops altogether. Our busyness leads to spiritual barrenness. When that’s happening to you, you need to say: ‘Time out! I refuse to put my spiritual life on autopilot, mouthing meaningless prayers and leafing through a Bible, that’s neither studied or live by, choose to pay whatever price it takes to walk with God.’ Doing that will not be easy, you’ll have to start saying no to certain things, and run the risk of displeasing people. But you’ll find peace with God in a position to hear what He’s saying to you. Nobody ever said the Christian walk is easy, but is more important and more rewarding then anything you can do.

Let His Spirit write on the tablet of your heart and spirit and find what a truly rewarding life can be.

God has a Great Word for you!
Ride with expectation full of His spirit guiding you!

Smile, stand up boldly, and mount up. You have a race to win!!

See ya in God’s Winners Circle
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